Ed Greenwood,Gabrielle Harbowy

When the Hero Comes Home (Vol 2)

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They say you can never go home again…Join us within these
pages for all-new stories of heroes whose journeys have ended; whose quests and missions have been won—or lost—as they discover the fate of the people and places they'd left behind. With masterful tales
AndersonJacquelyn BartelJillian
BoehmeChaz BrenchleyK.T.
BryskiSuzanne ChurchElaine
CunninghamFanny Valentine DarlingErin
M. EvansEd GreenwoodGabrielle
HarbowyLarry C.
KünskenMercedes LackeyK.D. McEntireRobert
NeilsonDiana PeterfreundLeah PetersenMary PletschDan
Rabarts Mike RimarDeborah J. RossAndrea G.
StewartJames L. SutterClint TalbertJuliette
WadeCliff WinnigChris Wong Sick HongJamie Wyman
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