Turid Rugaas


Értesítsen, ha a könyv hozzá lesz adva
Ennek a könyvnek az olvasásához töltsön fel EPUB vagy FB2 formátumú fájlt a Bookmate-re. Hogyan tölthetek fel egy könyvet?
  • Мария Савиныхidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    . Ask the dog to fetch something for you,
  • Мария Савиныхidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    . Be calm yourself. Your calmness will influence the dog.
    2. Have some objects available and let the dog carry one of them. If the dog picks up one himself, let him carry it. It is quite difficult to bark and carry something at the same time! Some might make some muffled noises, but it will not be so disturbing. And also having
  • Ксюшаidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Every time the dog is barking, make notations (see the form on page 14) of exactly how long the dog barks, what situation the dog is in, what he is barking at, etc.
  • Ксюшаidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Examples are showing teeth, lunging forward, snapping, biting, growling, and barking.
  • Ксюшаidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    When we are not stressed ourselves, we become able to keep a cool head, and self-control lets us handle problems better. We become better observers and can find smarter and more efficient solutions to the problems we face.
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