Emma Jane Unsworth


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“An utterly triumphant ode to female friendship, in all its intense, messy and powerful beauty” from the internationally bestselling author of Grown Ups (Elle).
It is the moment every twenty-something must confront: the time to grow up. Adulthood looms, with all its numbing tranquility and stifling complacency. The end of prolonged adolescence is near.
Laura and Tyler are two women whose twenties have been a blur of overstayed parties, a fondness for drugs that has shifted from cautious experimentation to catholic indulgence, and hangovers that don’t relent until Monday morning. They’ve been best friends, partners in excess, for the last ten years. But things are changing: Laura is engaged to Jim, a classical pianist who has long since given up the carousing lifestyle. He disapproves of Tyler’s reckless ways and of what he perceives to be her bad influence on Laura. Jim pulls Laura toward adulthood and responsibility, toward what society says she should be, but Tyler isn’t ready to let her go. But what does Laura want for herself? And how can she choose between Tyler and Jim, between one life she loves and another she’s “supposed” to love?
Raw, uproarious, and deeply affecting, Animals speaks to an entire generation caught between late-adolescence and adulthood wondering what exactly they’ll have to give up in order to grow up.
“An emotionally complex and often go-for-broke-witty book about the difficulty of letting go, of making choices for yourself, of discovering that the relationships you cling to hardest may be the ones that damage you most.” —The New York Times
“Three cheers for this take of alcoholic love between platonic soul mates.” —Lena Dunham
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  • Евгенияmegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni


  • Táliaidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Knew exactly who he was. And there’s nothing more attractive than someone who knows who they are, especially when you’re – well, a fucking shambles.
  • Táliaidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    Do it together and you have a party; do it alone and you have a problem.
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