Elizabeth Thornton

Bluestocking Bride

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A study in seduction proves irresistible in this charming Regency romance from the USA Today–bestselling author of the Devereux Trilogy.
Educated and brilliant, classics scholar Catherine Hartland has yet to meet a man who takes her intellect seriously or views the fairer sex as anything but mere playthings. Certainly the Marquis of Rutherston is no exception. But, as much as her head demands she ignore his bold, sensual gaze, his beautifully sculpted features, and his clear intent to kiss her senseless, have her heart dictating otherwise.
Cynical and weary of matchmaking games, the Marquis is stunned by his own reaction to a woman so different from the docile, biddable beauties he much prefers. Catherine might be the only woman in London immune to his considerable charms, but that immunity convinces him she is the only woman he has to have. And as passion makes Catherine a prisoner of her own desires, she knows the time has come to teach this arrogant gentleman a lesson in the true meaning of love.
“I consider Elizabeth Thornton a major find.” —Mary Balogh, New York Times–bestselling author of the Westcott Novels
“A major, major talent, Ms. Thornton takes her rightful place as a genre superstar.” —RT Book Reviews
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  • Jayshree Gujarmegosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
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  • myle848megosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
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  • karin anderssonidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    gleam in his eyes. “‘Medea’? Believe me, Catherine, I would rather stay home with you and argue the


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