Sulari Gentill

Miles Off Course

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It is 1933 and wealthy Australian artist Rowland Sinclair is enjoying a leisurely sojourn in the luxury Hydro Majestic Hotel in the Blue Mountains. As ever, he is accompanied by his entourage — a poet, a fellow painter and a brazen sculptress. The Depression-era troubles of the wider world seem far away; until long-time Sinclair family ally and employee Harry Simpson disappears.

Rowland must leave for the High Country to find Harry. He encounters resentful stockmen, dangerous gangsters and threatening belligerence all round. With his trusted friends' help, he uncovers a dark conspiracy which suddenly renders the beautiful Australian outback very sinister…

Sulari Gentill expertly weaves real events and personalities into her tension-fuelled murder mysteries which are sure to enthral lovers of deep intrigue and history.
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