Martin Yate

Knock'em Dead Secrets & Strategies for First-Time Job Seekers

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This is the guide to living life on your terms. It's tough landing that first job out of school and starting your climb up the professional ladder in such an uncertain world. In Knock 'em Dead Secrets & Strategies for First-Time Job Seekers, you will learn how to climb the ladder of success and get what you want out of life. You'll learn how to: -Develop social networks that deliver results for the new professional you -Build a resume that gets you interviews -Complete your job search in record time with a killer plan of attack -Turn job interviews into job offers and paychecks -Build a professional brand that delivers credibility -Bring your entrepreneurial dreams to life Working your way through the proven job search and interview strategies form the inimitable Martin Yate, you'll gradually discover a blueprint for professional success. You'll immediately begin to make sense of the world of work, start your career on the right foot, and gain access to the corporate inner circle and win promotions way ahead of your college peers. You can get what you want out of life, and live a meaningful life on your terms-you just have to learn how to do it. In Secrets & Strategies for First-Time Job Seekers, you'll develop a practical career plan that puts you in control, with commonsense strategies that really can bring your dreams to life. You need never be unemployed, never be without income streams. In short, you can score the job you want and learn to survive and prosper over the long haul with a brand new approach to professional success that always put you first. How will you guide your professional destiny?
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