Oliver Chin

Julie Black Belt

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Can Julie learn kung fu and get her black belt? Real kid power is more inspirational than Kung Fu Panda or The Karate Kid!
When Julie takes a kung fu class, she thinks getting a black belt will be easy. But her bold teacher says guess again! Since practice takes patience, Julie wonders, what would her movie idol Brandy Wu do?
Can Julie take her lessons to heart, and exercise both her mind and body? Then will she develop the self-confidence and discipline necessary to take the Yellow belt test and show her brother, parents, and heroine the true «spirit” of this sport?
Children and parents identify with Julie’s attitude and journey. She is a modern, refreshing character who leads a diverse class and displays authentic girl power. This is an engaging introduction of martial arts to young children who enroll in after school programs. Inspired by a real girl in a taekwondo class, this story’s lessons are applicable to any martial art, such as karate, ju-jitsu, aikido, judo, and wrestling.
Like real youngsters, Julie learns by doing. Teachers appreciate how the story promotes respect, conflict resolution, and self-defense, which in turn improves focus and concentration. Training builds confidence and social skills and improves physical fitness (coordination, balance, posture). Artist Charlene Chua’s vibrant illustrations capture Julie’s high-flying action and her evolving commitment with dynamic energy. The adventures continue in Julie Black Belt: The Belt of Fire!
“Practice makes perfect. That’s what Julie learns in her beginning kung fu class along with lessons about dedication and determination. (She thinks getting a black belt will be a snap.)…a high-action story that encourages deep reflection despite the action movie look.”
San Francisco Chronicle
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