Lutishia Lovely

Sex In The Sanctuary

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As first lady of Kingdom Citizens Christian Center, Vivian Montgomery has it all: a beautiful home, lovely children, and a pastor husband who makes her shout hallelujah--and not just in church. There's no doubt Pastor Montgomery has a healthy appreciation for the Lord and for the pleasures of the flesh, namely his wife's flesh. If only Vivian's best friend, Tai, was so blessed. . .
A first lady herself, Tai's husband, King, is pastor of Mount Zion Progressive Baptist Church. But with two affairs under his belt, Tai wonders just what “progressive” means. In fact, she strongly suspects her husband is at it again. Now, she can follow her mother-in-law's example and threaten to shoot any would-be-husband-stealing floozies, or she can take Vivian's advice and listen for God's instruction.
But Tai's husband isn't the only one fighting temptation. . .
«A spell-binding tale with some hilarious and righteous characters. Sex in the Sanctuary is a story about the power of forgiveness, how to forgive and the reason why we should forgive.” — The RAWSISTAZ Reviewers
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