Kate Canterbary

In a Jam

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  • a out of contextmegosztott egy benyomást2 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni



  • Willowidézett9 hónappal ezelőtt
    Text him.” I jerked my chin toward her phone. “Tell him you’re available in two weeks. The SoWa market, South of Washington. You have a few minutes around ten in the morning and that is the only time you can spare him. Send that and then turn off your phone.”
  • Willowidézett9 hónappal ezelőtt
    “I know I shouldn’t ask this but”—he ran a hand over his mouth—“how are those work
  • Willowidézett10 hónappal ezelőtt
    I want to rip this sweater off you.” He leaned in close to kiss my jaw, his beard scraping over my cheek. “And these jeans. Fuck. Your ass looks like it belongs in my lap when you wear these jeans.”
Húzza és ejtse ide a fájljait (egyszerre maximum 5-öt)