“Just because something is weird and hard to understand doesn’t mean it’s creative. That’s—that’s the whole problem. If you want to pretend like something is good, even when it’s not, that’s when you use the stupid word ‘creative
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
If she hadn’t had cancer, would I be spending any time with her at all? Of course not. In fact, if she were to make a miraculous recovery, would we stay friends after that? I’m not even sure if we would. This all obviously sounds terrible, but there’s no point in lying about it
Jelena Ranđelovićidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
The cancer had taken her eyeballs, yet she saw the world with more clarity than ever before.
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
I just w want her to w , wake up.” “Oh, honey.” “It s sucks.” “You made her very happy.” “If I m , made her h happy, then why is sn’ sn’t she trying to f fight. Harder.”
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
“I never said you were dying.” “You thought I was dying, though.” “No I didn’t.” She was silent and it was infuriating. “I didn’t,” I said, too loudly. I mean, this was a lie, and we both knew it. Finally, Rachel said, “Well, if you had thought it, you would have been right.” We were
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
“So I was right about what?” “I think you were right when you said I was dying
Ay no:((((( aunque ya se q va a pasar y como me duele poquito el corazón bc i imagine she saying that
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
And meanwhile, she didn’t seem to be getting any better, and there were a couple of days where she was in a really dark mood and there was nothing I could do to help. Like one day when we were watching something and she had been really quiet and then she said, “Greg, I think you were right
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
Girls are insane, and dying girls are even more insane
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
For some reason I just really wasn’t able to deal with the idea of college. I would try to think about it and then my mouth would get all dry and my armpits would start stinging and I would have to change the channel in my brain to something other than college
Bro i really feel that
LADY BIRDidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
You’re being less awesome than Rachel, you stupid reader