Raoul Whitfield

Inside Job

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Everyone in town hates Fresney—but who would want him dead?
Fresney runs the Pittsburgh Dispatch, which is at war with the Press. A hard-driving city room editor with a habit of crushing anyone who gets in his way, Fresney has made more than his share of enemies. There is the death row inmate whom the Dispatch fought to have executed. There is the woman whose suicide attempt drew days of humiliating front-page coverage. And there are the countless reporters whose lives Fresney has ruined in his endless hunt for circulation. There are dozens of people who do not like Fresney—and one of them is out for blood.
When a bullet whizzes past his head on his way to the office, Fresney knows the next shot won’t miss its mark, and so he starts chasing his own story, hoping the killer does not find him first. If he has to die, so be it. This is a newspaper war—and that means casualties.
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