Luci Swindoll

Doing Life Differently

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Are you tired of the mundane? Do you want to draw energy from every day?  The key to living a rich and joyful life is to seek out adventure, says Luci Swindoll. But adventure doesn’t only happen on a journey to the heart of Africa or a climb to the top of Everest. God has designed countless ways for you to enjoy the spirit of adventure, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. It’s all in your perspective—how you choose to do life differently.
Whether you travel to a distant continent or stay in your own back yard, the spirit of adventure is about embracing the unique journey God has charted just for you. Part memoir and part invitation, Doing Life Differently will encourage you to celebrate that journey for the matchless gift it is. You will be challenged to look beyond yourself, take risks, see problems in a new way, and embrace an adventuresome life
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