Nuala O'Connor

Miss Emily

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Emily Dickinson's life is reimagined in her own voiceand through eyes of a young Irish maidan enchanting novelin the spirit of Longbourn and Mrs. Poe Ada Concannon's first day in America is a success. She's the new maid for the respected but eccentric Dickinson family of Amherst, Massachusetts. Despite the differences in age and class, eighteen-year-old Ada, ';a neat little Irish person, fresh off the boat,' strikes up a deep freindship with Miss Emily, the gifted elder daughter living a spinster's life at home. Emily is a bastion of support as Ada struggles to find her place in this new world, while Ada's toil gives Emily the freedom she needs to write. But Emily's passion for words begins to dominate her life. She decides to wear nothing but white and increasingly avoids the outside world. When Ada's safety and reputation are threatened, however, Emily faces down her own demons in order to help her friend, with shocking consequences.
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