Jenny Lawson

Success! Passing the Professional Skills Tests for Teachers

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An essential book for anyone thinking of taking, or about to take, the Professional Skills Tests for Teachers. You must pass these tests before starting your course, and this up to date text tells you exactly what to expect and how to prepare for the latest versions of the tests. There is an emphasis on support and clear guidance throughout, along with plenty of practice material, so you can face the tests with confidence and succeed in your application. It provides:a guide to the variety of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) provision and routes into teachinga preparation timelinecomprehensive coverage of both the numeracy and literacy testsan audit of your strengths and areas for improvement in literacy and numeracyexample questions and answers, highlighting common errors, providing top tips for success, with theories and methods fully explainedfull practice papers plus test-taking and revision strategiesdiscrete topics within the numeracy and literacy sections enabling focused learning, with explanations and hundreds of exampleslarger format pages, with topics covered across double page spreads for ease of use and more memorable learning.
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