bookmate game
Robert Kiyosaki

Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students and Why “B” Students Work for the Government

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398 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Alexandridézett8 évvel ezelőtt
    Many people focus on buying their dream home rather than investing to provide homes for others. Many people invest for the long term in a pension plan for themselves rather than investing in assets for cash flow…assets that can be passed on to their children or charities for years and generations to come. Challenge yourself, and your children, to see another side of the coin on greed.
  • Alexandridézett9 évvel ezelőtt
    School is a great experience for some children. For others, school is the worst experience of their lives. Every child has a genius. Unfortunately, their genius may not be recognized by the educational system. Their genius may even be crushed.
  • Clydael Alcantaridézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    Isn’t the reason for getting a job to make money? If money is the objective for getting a job, why not get right to the point and just teach us about money?" My question was never answered.


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