Jacquelin Thomas

Five Star Temptation

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{"strong"=>["He’s tempting her in ways she never imagined… "]}
Working undercover has its advantages…especially when Ryan Manning encounters one of the most beautiful women he’s ever seen. The investigative reporter took to the streets of Beverly Hills to expose the plight of the homeless. Now he’s installed in Sage Alexander’s fabulous luxury resort and spa…being given the royal five-star treatment by the hotel heiress herself!
Something about the tall, handsome stranger in rugged clothing touches Sage’s heart. Until she discovers who he really is. Stung by his deception, Sage vows to keep her distance from Ryan. But it’s too late. She can’t control her feelings—or her passion—for the courageous journalist. Ryan’s masquerade is over, but is their love affair just beginning?
{"em"=>[" The Alexanders of Beverly Hills"]}
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