Ansela Corsino

The Billionaire's Game

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Aspiring screenwriter Ines Andrada is eager to pursue her dreams and quit her job as the overworked and unappreciated assistant to a famous film star. But when she takes her movie script to a respected producer, she ends up in bed with her boss's insanely hot ex-boyfriend.

Despite his billions and a reputation as a ladies' man, Mason Kilborne doesn't have much luck in relationships. So the last thing he needs is to be sent an escort as a thank-you gift by a business partner. The very attractive, (surprisingly) geeky blonde who shows up at his door is hard to resist, but she may not be all she pretends to be. Ines doesn't know what's worse — Mason mistaking her for an escort or accusing her of blackmail. One thing's for sure: if her boss ever finds out, Ines will be kicked out of show business permanently. It doesn't help that Mason keeps showing up at work, on the movie set — and in her wildly inappropriate fantasies.
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