bookmate game
Can Xue

Vertical Motion

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Can Xue is a master of the dreamscape, crafting stories that inhabit the space where fantasy and reality, the quotidian and the extraordinary, meet. The stories in this striking and lyrical new collection—populated by old married couples, children, cats, and nosy neighbors, the entire menagerie of the everyday—reaffirm her reputation as one of China's most innovative writers.
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212 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Mariana López Gonzálezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    My late father once said to me, “After you die, who knows what you had planned while you were alive?”
  • Mariana López Gonzálezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    One red leaf floated in the air above the forest of his thoughts—a forest that was totally bare, for it was winter now
  • Mariana López Gonzálezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    I realized that I liked my present life. When you were about to achieve your objectives, when you incessantly extended your beak toward the things that interested you so much: Didn’t you feel happy?


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