Joseph Correa

The 30 Day Muscle Building Training Program: The Solution to Increasing Muscle Mass for Bodybuilders, Athletes, and People Who Just Want to Have a Better Body

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For bodybuilders to develop consistent muscle growth they need to have a solid training plan and they need to supplement it with great nutrition.

This book will provide you with an organized training plan and calendar. Both a NORMAL and an INTENSE version of this training program are included in case you find the NORMAL version not challenging enough. Make sure to include the nutritional recipes suggested in your diet to see maximum muscle development. Eat right and train hard to see real results fast. The nutritional portion of this training program comes with delicious breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert recipes. Muscle shake recipes are also included to help increase additional muscle growth.

Bodybuilders who begin this training plan will see the following:

• Increased muscle growth
• Enhanced strength, mobility, and muscle reaction.
• Better capacity to train for long periods of time
• Faster increase of lean muscle
• Lower muscle fatigue
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