THOMAS Johnson

SICK (Stop Service-Ignore Intimacy-Cut Communications-Kill Kindness)

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This book examines common actions and/or lack of actions of most failed relationships. SICK — The Terminal Illness of Relationships. The culprit of failed or failing relationships are actions represented in the word SICK as a mnemonic device for Stop Service — Ignore Intimacy — Cut Communications — Kill Kindness. Marriages and other relationships are ending at a rate never seen before.
Service is love. You love the one you service. Service is the key to what we get in life. Stop providing service and you will cause irreparable damage to your relationship
Intimacy starts with the little things such as a daily greeting, good quote, or a smile. This is clearly seen in today’s social media society as people are intimately attached to those they are “connected” to.
Couples cut communications most of the time because they are exhausted of trying. They feel they have talked enough to that person about their situation. The real problem is they are talking but making no connection.
Killing of kindness between people opens the door to rudeness. It causes one to hold back that small acts of kindness which blends hearts in goodness. Kindness is void or lacking at the least when small acts of kindness like smiling and giving the daily or religious greetings are missing in action.
All  the above actions are tied together by a lack of mindfulness. This book looks at what many reputable have said or say in reference to the above actions and their effect on relationships. It also shares personal rituals used to live in the moment and avoid these terminal actions.
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