Martin Cloake,Fisher Alan

People's History of Tottenham Hotspur

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A People's History of Tottenham Hotspur is the story of how fans helped create the identity of a world-famous club and tells a story from a perspective rarely acknowledged. Drawing on social history, contemporary press reports and first-hand interviews with the fans themselves, authors Martin Cloake and Alan Fisher trace the club's development from being the team of the suburbs and the rising south, through the glory years and the arrival of mass, popular culture, and into the modern era of the game. It is not a tale of trophies won and lost, of players bought and sold. Instead, it is the story of how one of the game's oldest and most famous teams was formed and established by its fans and how its identity was created by them. It evaluates how the fans' relationship with the club has evolved, as the game has changed: from those bygone days, when a club was at the heart of a local community, to the modern era, where the world's leading football clubs have to compete as multinational 'brands', appealing to fans on a global scale, stretching much further and wider than the north London footprint than the club's founders would have ever imagined.
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  • Italia 90idézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Tottenham Hotspur have long since had supporters’ groups in all parts of Britain and abroad. A long history of signing star players from the United Kingdom and Ireland has cemented links with Wales, Scotland and Ireland, where Spurs were especially popular in the sixties and seventies.
  • Italia 90idézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    “Tottenham is a dream. It’s a fugue-state induced by the slow emerging patterns and the push and pull of attack and defence. When we’re losing it’s a meditation on the impermanence of life. When we’re winning it’s an affirmation...
    “This feeling right now that you’re feeling? The feeling you felt when Lamela’s perfectly-weighted pass split the legs of Otamendi and found Eriksen? That’s the process of winning. That moment that Eriksen coolly took a first touch and you knew that the next touch was going to put the ball in the back of the net?
    “The ball hops over Hart’s leg. The ball ripples the net. The scream emerges. The theatre of celebration begins. I scream, I jump, I hug strangers, I hug Jonah, Jonah grins ear to ear, I’m singing. I’m singing. I’m singing... That’s the best feeling in the world... the moment of potential. The moment that the scream is building in your throat...”
  • Italia 90idézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Now it is over to Daniel Levy and the board to make Tottenham football accessible. Not cheap, football sadly never will be, but affordable. Short-term income gains must not outweigh the long-term benefits of making supporters feel welcome.


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