Jaime Sabines

Love Poems

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“Love is the finest,” writes Jaime Sabines, “the most shuddering, / the most unendurable, silence.”
Available for the first time as a complete selection in English, Love Poems presents Jaime Sabines’ powerful erotic verse in an exceptional translation by Irish Canadian poet Colin Carberry.
Jaime Sabines, Mexico’s most influential modern poet, was born in Chiapas in 1926. He received numerous literary awards and honors over the course of his career. Sabines died in Mexico City in 1999.
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  • Menna Abu Zahraidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    His own poetry has been translated into many languages. Colin has read from his work on radio and television, and at book fairs, embassies, literary festivals and universities in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ireland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Serbia. He lives in Mexico.
  • Menna Abu Zahraidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    Colin Carberry was born in Toronto and raised in Ireland. He is the author of the poetry collections The Crossing (Bearing Press, 1998), The Green Table (Exile, 2003) and Ceasefire in Purgatory (Luna, 2007), and is the translator of an earlier volume of Sabines’s verse.
  • Menna Abu Zahraidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    He received numerous literary awards and honours over the course of his career, including the City of Mexico Prize, the National Prize for Literature, and the Belisario Domínguez Medal of Honour, the highest award bestowed by the Mexican government. Often regarded as one of the major poets of the twentieth century, he died in Mexico City in March 1999.


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