Lutishia Lovely

Lutishia Lovely: All Up In My Business Bundle with A Preacher's Passion & Reverend Feelgood

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Lutishia Lovely: All Up In My Business Bundle with A Preacher's Passion & Reverend Feelgood

All Up In My Business

Lutishia Lovely serves up a sizzling behind-the-scenes tale of rivalry and scandal in a family's booming soul food dynasty…

With brothers Malcolm and Toussaint Livingston at the helm, business at Taste of Soul is thriving and the family seems to have it all. But jealousy and competition threaten to tarnish their picture-perfect image.

Toussaint is a risk-taker, determined to expand the restaurant chain at a record pace, but levelheaded Malcolm insists on challenging Toussaint's goals. And at home, there's more heating up than grits and collard greens. Malcolm is growing weary of his marriage and his ever-expanding brood of children. His brother's Casanova lifestyle looks more and more appealing. But Toussaint's playboy days aren't as carefree as Malcolm thinks. Toussaint's met his match in interior designer Alexis St. Clair, a woman who refuses to become just another dish on this player's mating menu. But if Toussaint has his way, the happenings in both the boardroom and the bedroom are all about to change…

A Preacher's Passion

Lutishia Lovely is back with another smoldering journey into the scandalous and occasionally sanctified lives of people who go to church but aren't always 100% Christian…

Passion Perkins is hot to trot. After being celibate for five long years, she's ready, willing, and able to end her drought. But she's also determined to hold out for Mr. Right. . .a man her friends say doesn't exist--until Lavon Chapman walks into her life: a powerful and handsome man who has come to the community to film an inspirational DVD about Passion's minister, Doctor Stanley Lee, and his fiery wife, Carla Lee. But Lavon is only in town for eight weeks…

Passion is now on a mission to make Lavon her husband and to end her celibacy. . .and not necessarily in that order. But she's not the only one. It seems Doctor Lee, though a master in the pulpit is a dud between the sheets, so Carla Lee has Lavon in her sights--and is determined to end up on top. Before long, other members of the church community are entangled in scandals of their own, and while some are getting busy in service to the Lord, others are just simply getting busy…

Reverend Feelgood

In Lutishia Lovely's wickedly sexy new novel, an energetic young pastor works overtime to keep the ladies in his congregation deliciously satisfied…

Nathaniel “Nate” Thicke is a preaching prodigy. At only twenty-eight years old, he's the senior pastor of The Gospel Truth Church. In addition to carrying on the preaching tradition begun by his great-grandfather, Nate is also just plain carrying on, wherever the spirit--and the flesh--lead him. And when it leads him to three women from the same family, bickering and backstabbing follow…

Content with having his pick of the flock, Nate is surprised to discover he's fallen head-over-heels in love, and decides to become a one-woman man. But the other ladies aren't about to give him up so easily. They're prepared to do whatever it takes to get their man back--even if it means adding a few more shocking sins to their list. . .
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