Kameron Hurley

Meet Me in the Future: Stories

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“One of the best story collections of the past few years.” —Booklist, starred review
“16 hard-edged pieces that gleam like gems in a mosaic.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review
“Kameron Hurley is a badass.” —Annalee Newitz, author of Autonomous

When renegade author Kameron Hurley (The Light Brigade; The Stars Are Legion) takes you to the future, be prepared for the unexpected. Yes, it will be dangerous, frequently brutal, and often devastating. But it’s also savagely funny, deliriously strange, and absolutely brimming with adventure.
In these edgy, unexpected tales, a body-hopping mercenary avenges his pet elephant, and an orphan falls in love with a sentient starship. Fighters ally to power a reality-bending engine, and a swamp-dwelling introvert tries to save the world—from her plague-casting former wife.
So come meet Kameron Hurley in the future. The version she's created here is weirder—and far more hopeful—than you could ever imagine.
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  • Azi Satriaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    BODIES ARE ONLY BEAUTIFUL when they aren’t yours.


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