Ryan M. Lescure,Alberto González,Benny LeMaster,Bernadette Marie Calafell,Jennifer,Jennifer Martin,Jieyoung Kong,Keith Nainby,Leda Cooks,Linsay Cramer,Mark Orbe,Robert Gutierrez-Perez,Rona Halualani,S. Lily Mendoza,Sharon Chuang,Tina Harris

Critical Intercultural Communication Pedagogy

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Critical Intercultural Communication Pedagogy constructs a theoretical frame through which critical intercultural communication pedagogy can be dreamed, envisioned, and realized as praxis. Its chapters provide answers to questions surrounding the relationship of intercultural communication pedagogy to critical race theory, queer theory, critical ethnography, and narrative methodology, among others. Utilizing a diverse array of theoretical and methodological approaches within critical intercultural communication research, this collection is creatively engaging, theoretically innovating, and pedagogically encouraging.
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