
Making Michael Submit

In this sequel to Making Michael Obey, marital bliss had ended for newlyweds Junie and Michael only six months into their marriage—his interest in lovemaking had waned. Junie discovered her husband is more interested in pleasuring himself than making love to her. Her healthy libido wouldn’t stand for second place, and she delivered an ultimatum. Michael, seeing the error of his ways, submitted—and he agreed to wear a locked acrylic device 24/7. Junie has taken complete control of their love life—and discovers she needs more than what Michael can deliver, even after she unlocks the cage.

~~~~~  Excerpt  ~~~~~

“You’re utterly submissive to me now,” Junie said to me. “It’s miraculous. I can really see the changes that chastity has brought. Six months ago, you were this phony image of a man, a successful guy with a beautiful wife. But secretly you were pleasuring yourself in a dark corner, and your woman only served as your receptacle when you were in the mood for real sex.

“Now, you’re mine. You’re absolutely nothing, but you’re all mine. You don’t make love, you don’t touch yourself. You cook, you clean, you fawn over me, you jump two inches off the floor if I look at you cross-eyed.

“You’ve gotten more sensitive, too,” she added. “You’re gentler, more attentive to me. Your lovemaking is absolutely divine. It’s like you consume me with your mouth.”

“Princess,” I added eagerly, “my senses are so much sharper. I can tell when you ovulate. I can smell when your period starts.”

“See? Isn’t that wonderful? That’s what chastity has done for us. That’s why I’m going to keep you chaste. Right, Michael?”

“Yes, Princess. Absolutely. I’m so much happier. It’s just that today…”

“Never mind that. Something else you need to know. Your look of need and desperation enthralls me. I want more. I want more of looking down and seeing you kneeling between my legs, your entire being concentrated on only pleasing me.

“I want to see more of you looking uncomfortable and nervous,” she went on. “I want more housework done. I want more oral sex. I crave more of your sexual frustration. I love to see you shaking with desire. I want us deeper into this whole chastity thing. I want you to surrender. Seeing you like this, under my foot, completely within my power, is very arousing.”
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