Rita Kiki Edozie,Stewart James,Jason E.Shelton,James L. Conyers Jr.,Anthony D. Greene,Brittany Slatton,Devon Lee,Drew Brown,Gregory Price,LaTasha Chaffin,Marcia Walker-McWilliams,Maurice Mangum,Robert E. Weems Jr.

Africana Social Stratification

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This study seeks to critically examine the field and function of social stratification, with emphasis on Africana phenomena. Phrased another way, this edited volume attempts to study and focus on who gets what and why, with regard to resources and structural application of support. The John Henrik Clarke query is who made this arrangement of leadership in America. Moreover, serving as a reference, this study will assist researchers in contextualizing and thematically examining the structural and resource allocation of disparity exhibited toward Africana people. This manuscript of essays is the first its kind. This study incorporates an interdisciplinary scope to examine the concept of Africana Social Stratification in the subject areas of: history, political science, economics, Africana Studies, and social policy.
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