Mark Green


Értesítsen, ha a könyv hozzá lesz adva
Ennek a könyvnek az olvasásához töltsön fel EPUB vagy FB2 formátumú fájlt a Bookmate-re. Hogyan tölthetek fel egy könyvet?
Why is it so difficult to execute what you already know you should be doing?
Have you ever:

Delayed a critical conversation, even though you "knew" it was important?
Avoided making a commitment because you didn't want to limit your options?
Shared more information than you should have, but couldn't stop yourself?
Retained an employee, even though you "knew" they were wrong for your firm?

In Activators, business coach Mark E. Green exposes the unconscious mechanisms that interfere with your thinking and results. This is not a beginners' guide, rather it is written for seasoned high-performers. Drawing on behavioral research, client case studies, and his extensive experience coaching mid-market CEOs, Mark has written a practical operations manual for your mind, filled with proven guidance and easy-to-use tools to help you and your team accomplish more.

Activators is the ultimate guide to close the gap between the leader you are and the leader you aspire to become — enabling more freedom, greater abundance, and the acceleration of your legacy.
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