bookmate game
Hugh Prather

How to Live in the World and Still Be Happy

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  • Abanes, Antonette May Llanesidézettelőző év
    We have no chance of being happy when we are angry.
  • Sabrina Lorain P caspeidézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    A thousand times a day our love of happiness is cut short by our even greater fear of it. Even a little cheerfulness is checked if it goes on too long. If we find ourselves laughing with complete freedom, singing in the shower, or maybe just whistling loud enough to be overheard, the old anxiety begins seeping in. Our “frivolous” mood is being called into question. For some nagging reason we must resume a “serious” state of mind, although just why this is helpful or proper we are not quite sure.
  • Noemi Serraldeidézettelőző év
    Without ever meeting you, I can tell you one hard fact about your lifestyle. You are doing too much.
  • b8993788297idézettelőző év
    Our loved ones may be in
  • b8993788297idézettelőző év
    the room when our life ends, but they can't die for us
  • b4774525879idézettelőző év
    The rule is, Don't allow the criticism to leave your mind. Remove its source and repair the damage to your mind quickly.
  • b3802988851idézettelőző év
    Most of us decide in conflict, act in conflict, and think this is the way life must be. Mixed feelings arise from a sense of having more than one self. On the surface this appears to be the inevitable outcome of our personal history. Since we have had many opposing experiences, it seems natural that we are divided about almost everything
  • b8053699929idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    No matter what our age, nothing we see in the world is wholly reliable. Even the preschool playground is a place where someone is your best friend today but tomorrow wants only to play with some other child. There is no place where we cannot wear out our welcome.
  • b3802988851idézett7 hónappal ezelőtt
    We will try something we thought we wanted only to uncover a more profound desire
  • b3802988851idézett7 hónappal ezelőtt
    And happiness that endures is also possible because the mind can decide to see this way permanently
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