J.D. Robb

In Death Series: 45, 46, 47

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45: Secrets in Death> A new novel in the bestselling series: Lt. Eve Dallas must separate rumors from reality when a woman who traffics in other people’s secrets is silenced.
The chic Manhattan nightspot Du Vin is not the kind of place Eve Dallas would usually patronize, and it’s not the kind of bar where a lot of blood gets spilled. But that’s exactly what happens one cold February evening.

46: Dark in Death> Lieutenant Eve Dallas returns in Dark in Death, by J.D. Robb, master of suspense, and takes on a case of death imitating art…

47: Leverage in Death> Lieutenant Eve Dallas puzzles over a bizarre suicide bombing in a Wall St. office building in Leverage in Death, the latest from J.D. Robb…
For the airline executives finalizing a merger that would make news in the business world, the nine a.m. meeting would be a major milestone. But after marketing VP Paul Rogan walked into the plush conference room, strapped with explosives, the headlines told of death and destruction instead.
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