Melissa Marr,TBD

Cold Iron Heart

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In this prequel to the international bestselling WICKED LOVELY series, the Faery Courts collide a century before the mortals in Wicked Lovely are born.
Thelma Foy, a jeweler with the Second Sight in iron-bedecked 1890s New Orleans, wasn’t expecting to be caught in a faery conflict. But when the Dark King, Irial, rescues her, Tam must confront everything she thought she knew about faeries, men, and love.
Too soon, New Orleans is filling with faeries who are looking for her, and Irial is the only one who can keep her safe.
Unbeknownst to Tam, she is the prize in a centuries-old fight between Summer Court and Winter Court. To protect her, Irial must risk a war he can’t win--or surrender the first mortal woman he's loved.

“Impossible to put down” --School Library Journal
“As mesmerizing as its urban faery subjects”—Booklist
“A fully imagined faery world …which even non-fantasy (or faerie) lovers will want to delve into”—Publishers Weekly
“They live among us. They are tricky, sometimes malicious. They are playful, seductive, exotic. Marr's book makes the existence of faeries seem all too possible” –Horn Book

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