Nicole Johnson

Dropping Your Rock

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“When you son tells you he’s homosexual, your best friend confesses in agony she’s having an affair, or your sister tearfully describes her abortion?you have a choice to leave mere theory behind and enter the gritty reality of relationship. Love is giving you a chance to choose.”
Rock-throwing is one way to settle hostilities or to exchange accusations. You can knock Goliath flat if your rock hits him in the right spot. Not bad, if your goal is to kill your enemy. You can express your moral outrage by joining the angry mob howling for a sinner to be stoned. But what if that sinner is your friend, and you would rather change their heart than shed their blood? We don't have to hurl the rocks we clutch in our judgmental hands.
With tender words and touching photos, Nicole Johnson guides us toward the “flat thud of grace” that can change our lives when we drop our rocks and choose to love instead.
This offering in the Faith/Hope/Love Trilogy by Nicole continues to be requested by audiences that saw her perform the dramatic sketch on the 2001 tour.
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