Andrew Wasley

Ecologist Guide to Food

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The Ecologist has been setting the environmental agenda for over 40 years bringing the critical issues of our time into the mainstream, through cutting-edge reporting. Drawing on their extensive archives, as well as much new material, the Ecologist Guide to Food delves behind the labels to investigate the often unpalatable truths about the foodstuffs we consume each day.

Animal suffering, human rights abuses, the destruction of ecosystems, pollution, waste these are not issues we tend to associate with our food. However, as investigative journalist Andrew Wasley reveals, much of our food comes with a hidden price tag.

But does the process of meeting Western demand for well-stocked supermarkets need to be this bleak? What if our mega-farms could harvest crops of 70,000+ vegetables each day and still offer fair pay, good living conditions and even social facilities to their workers? What if drinking coffee could actually have a positive influence on reforestation?

As well as uncovering the sometimes shocking practices in existence, this book takes a look at alternatives for the food industry, giving a voice to the positive pioneers going against the grain to produce food that is good for you, good for others and good for the planet.
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230 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Margarita Abashkinaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    to cover all the issues connected to our modern food system we’d need a book many times the size of this one.
  • Margarita Abashkinaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    Add to this the ‘bigger’ challenges facing the planet – climate change, a rising population, water shortages – and you have a potential recipe for disaster.
  • Margarita Abashkinaidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    THE HIDDEN COST OF CHOICE If you are reading this, you are probably lucky enough to live in the ‘developed’ world, where – as long as you have the means of paying for it – there are seemingly endless food choices and a year-round abundance of often frighteningly cheap foodstuffs from every corner of the earth.


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