Nobody knows your heart better than you. Trust your instincts. Never let anyone cast a shadow over your sunshine.
Milica Jovanovićidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
“When I’m with you, love needs no explanation. It just is and we just are.”
layanosaniidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
Love is the double-edged sword that conquers hearts but can also cut the hand that wields it.
ellen53802idézett5 évvel ezelőtt
Love is a little like religion. You need to have faith before miracles can happen.
JENNY MANANSALAidézett4 évvel ezelőtt
Listen to Your Heart Nobody knows your heart better than you. Trust your instincts. Never let anyone cast a shadow over your sunshine.
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“Run toward your dream and never let anyone fill your pockets with rocks.”
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“Even the most eloquent lie becomes vulgar when exposed to the truth.”
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I Wish
I wish I could apologize for falling in love with you but I can’t. It would be like asking me to be sorry for breathing.
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Just Hold Me Tight
You can’t remove my scars or rewrite the past that haunts me. Just hold me tight and tell me everything’s going to be okay.
hidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
A Beautiful Deception It was such a beautiful deception. Like watching a summer storm light up the night sky without a single note of thunder heard. Kissing your lips.