Abdoulaye Kane

African Migrations

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“Engaging case studies . . . add to understanding the social processes of voluntary and forced displacement within the continent and across the seas.” —Choice
Spurred by major changes in the world economy and in local ecology, the contemporary migration of Africans, both within the continent and to various destinations in Europe and North America, has seriously affected thousands of lives and livelihoods.
The contributors to this volume, reflecting a variety of disciplinary perspectives, examine the causes and consequences of this new migration. The essays cover topics such as rural-urban migration into African cities, transnational migration, and the experience of immigrants abroad, as well as the issues surrounding migrant identity and how Africans re-create community and strive to maintain ethnic, gender, national, and religious ties to their former homes.
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  • Fernanda Monsalvo Basalduaidézettelőző év
    ). The reconstitution of rural families and the subsequent birth of second and third generations in the city promoted permanent migration
  • Fernanda Monsalvo Basalduaidézettelőző év
    Besides the cosmogonies of displacement and resettlement very common among certain ethnic groups, and the mobility associated with the livelihoods of pastoralist, trading, and fishing communities, colonial rule triggered the movement of most African people (Amin 1974; Curtin 1995; Ferguson 1999; Piot 1999)
  • Fernanda Monsalvo Basalduaidézettelőző év
    Others must either adjust or face exclusion: the foreigner already stands apart from the citizen, but the newcomer, “asylum seeker,” or so-called “illegal immigrant” stands outside the very possibility of hospitality, marking a boundary in a sense beyond the social, a liminal world in which the very humanity of the intruder is questioned
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