James Knight

Mark Waugh: The Biography

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'the most elegant and graceful cricketer of the modern era' – Sir Donald Bradman. Here is the inspiring story of a young boy from Sydney's Panania who grew up to become one of the world's greatest cricketers. Mark Edward Waugh was born in 1965 – four minutes after his brother Steve. the tendency to hang back and see how things worked obviously wasn't a one-off – he waited five years to join Steve in an Australian test team. But this was one younger brother who was never going to be content in his older brother's shadow for long. Once he donned the Baggy Green, Mark proved he was among the world's most gifted batsmen when he became the first player to score back-to-back centuries as well as to hit three centuries in a World Cup tournament. Mark Waugh: the Biography fleshes out the enigmatic picture created by the media and explores Mark's passion for the track, as well as the sledging, the betting scandals and how it felt to be called 'the forgotten Waugh'. Acknowledged by many as one of the most elegant stroke players in modern-day cricket, the boy from Bankstown proves that no matter what.anything is possible.
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