Lynn Lake,Fulani,Velvet Tripp,Roxanne Rhoads,Adrienne Rose

Lust Bites

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A collection of 5 erotic vampire-themed stories, including:

Fang Fiend by Lynn Lake:

She's had many a fetish over the course of her sex life, but none so lasting and fearsome as her fetish for fangs. So when she can't get true satisfaction close to home, she goes to even greater lengths to quench her craving, and comes to face to fang with the deadliest of all femme fatales…

Tooth Fairy by Velvet Tripp:

Megan's working on a bookstall at FatalEmbraceCon, a fantasy convention full of people wearing capes and prosthetic fangs. She's doesn't believe in real vampires. But there is one at the convention – the author of the books she's selling. 'Don't matter none to me what you believe' he says. 'Maybe I'm just the Tooth Fairy. With sharp teeth' He's going to feed on her whether she believes in him or not…

Escape into Darkness by Roxanne Rhoads:

Liana is searching for someone to love who will not die and leave her behind. After her own brush with death she became obsessed with vampires and has been searching the world for one that is real. Finally after a long search she finds Devlin who is exactly what she wants and needs. He is more than happy to give Liana everything she desires and much more than she expects…

Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know by Fulani:

By day, Sasha teaches literacy. By night, she writes poems. When a local publishing house is interested in her work, she goes to meet the publisher in the pub used by the local literati. But he's already drunk, and a tall, dark stranger is there as well who turns out to be mad, bad and dangerous to know…

Fangs for the Holidays by Adrienne Rose:

After spending the day baking holiday goodies Avery drops by her vampire boyfriend Jackson's home so they can spend some quality time together. He is surprisingly enticed by the smell of baked goods on Avery's skin which leads them to a discussion about family holiday gatherings…and a lot of very hot sex.
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