bookmate game
Deborah Harkness

A Discovery of Witches

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  • Ana Laura Pérezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    “How did you decide what to serve for dinner tonight?” He gestured at the berries and nuts that were left from the meal.
    “Well, it wasn’t magic. The zoology department helped a lot,” I explained.
    He looked startled, then roared with laughter. “You asked the zoology department what to make me for dinner?”
    “Not exactly,” I said defensively. “There were raw-food recipes on the Net, but I got stuck after I bought the meat. They told me what gray wolves ate.”
    Matthew shook his head, but he was still smiling, and my irritation dissolved. “Thank you,” he said simply. “It’s been a very long time since someone made me a meal.”
  • Ana Laura Pérezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    “If food doesn’t taste good, why do you keep inviting me out to eat?” I asked.
    Matthew’s eyes flicked over my cheeks, my eyes, and lingered on my mouth. “It’s easier to be around you when you’re eating. The smell of cooked food nauseates me.”
    I blinked at him, still confused.
    “As long as I’m nauseated, I’m not hungry,” Matthew said, his voice exasperated.
    “Oh!” The pieces clicked together. I already knew he liked the way I smelled. Apparently that made him hungry.
    Oh. I flushed.
  • Ana Laura Pérezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    “Vampires aren’t particularly good at friendship.” He sounded angry again.
    “Look, if you want me to leave you alone—”
    “Of course not,” Matthew interrupted. “It’s just that vampire relationships are . . . complicated. We can be protective—possessive, even. You might not like it.”
    “A little protectiveness sounds pretty good to me about now.”
    My answer brought a look of raw vulnerability to Matthew’s eyes. “I’ll remind you of that when you start complaining,” he said, the rawness quickly replaced with wry amusement.
  • Ana Laura Pérezidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    “Perhaps you should call me Diana,” I said quickly, before I lost my nerve.
    Matthew Clairmont smiled.
  • Дафна Вандерidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    He made tea, then rubbed my feet while I drank it.
  • Дафна Вандерidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    Oh, dear, my grandmother said sympathetical y. It’s

    going to hit the fan now.
  • Дафна Вандерidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “You’ve just now noticed?” He chuckled. “It’s been my ful -

    time job for weeks.”
  • Дафна Вандерidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    She was trying to get my magic out—like I was a

  • Дафна Вандерidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    “Did I miss something?” I final y asked. “When were we

  • Дафна Вандерidézett5 évvel ezelőtt
    It was hard to put “danger” and “vampire” into the same

    thought while pressed so firmly against him.
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