bookmate game
Dennis Lehane

Shutter Island

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The basis for the blockbuster motion picture directed by Martin Scorsese and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Shutter Island by New York Times bestselling author Dennis Lehane is a gripping and atmospheric psychological thriller where nothing is quite what it seems. The New York Times calls schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Shutter Mystic Island carries the reader into a nightmare world of madness, mind control, and CIA Cold War paranoia and is unlike anything you’ve ever read before.schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
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310 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • Nazia Obedmegosztott egy benyomást8 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni
    🔮Rejtett mélységek

    Brilliant piece of writing... Injustice to call it a thriller... It's much more than that...deep... Loved it...

  • Marina Spirovamegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Amazing book. Just amazing.

  • Jørn Flintholm Jørgensenmegosztott egy benyomást4 évvel ezelőtt



  • Lunaidézett5 hónappal ezelőtt
    After the war, after Dachau, he’d swore he would never kill again unless he had no choice. Unless the other man’s gun was already pointed at him. Only then.
  • Lunaidézett5 hónappal ezelőtt
    He’d refused to see it because if she actually were his true love, his immortal other self, then what did that say about his brain, his sanity, his moral weakness?
  • Lunaidézett5 hónappal ezelőtt
    If he could sacrifice his own mind to restore hers, he would. Sell his limbs? Fine. She had been all the love he’d ever known for so long. She had been what carried him through the war, through this awful world. He loved her more than his life, more than his soul.


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