bookmate game
Anne Mather

A Forbidden Temptation

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An unwanted desire… 
With the death of his wife still raw, Jack Connolly's mood is dark and dangerous. He's not looking for a woman, until he meets buttoned-up but beautiful Grace Spencer, who stirs his senses back to life. Yet Jack cannot act on his feelings, as Grace belongs to another!  
An impossible affair… 
Trapped in a fake relationship to safeguard her family, Grace knows crossing the line with Jack would risk everything she holds dear. Beneath the hunger she sees in Jack's eyes is the promise of something more…but is it enough for her to surrender to a taste of the forbidden?
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  • b2571649512megosztott egy benyomást3 évvel ezelőtt
    👍Érdemes elolvasni

    Love both hero and heroine. Too slow though.

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