Lora Leigh

Marly's Choice

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Book 1 in the series Men of August
Marly's love for Cade has spanned her teenage years, and survived strong and intact into womanhood. Her fantasies and daydreams have sustained her, but she's no longer content with merely imagining the touch of his hands, the taste of his kiss. It's time to seduce the tough, sexy cowboy.
She's heard the rumors for years, the tales of his sexual preferences. She's prepared herself to accept his desires. Prepared her body for his touch. But she wasn't prepared for the choice to come…
Cade's dark desires, his sexual excesses are based in the past. In a time when pain, shame, and blood stains his very soul. He carries a secret shared only with his brothers. A secret that has scarred the bond, the ability to be a brother or to accept the love of the men he was raised with. He knows the only way to prove his loyalty, his love for those brothers and Marly will be the key.
She has a choice. She can surrender to Cade's needs, his soul deep desires, or she can walk away. A choice only Marly can make. A choice that will change her life forever.
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  • Asia Nicolemegosztott egy benyomást7 évvel ezelőtt
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  • vivian rogersmegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt

  • Anamegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt
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  • ruthangeridézett4 évvel ezelőtt
    vowing vengeance, but a fist to his jaw shut him up quickly


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