Eric Otis Simmons

HTSP – How to Self-Publish

#HTSP — How to Self-Publish is a concise 79 page “how to” book which can be used as a resource or “primer” by first-time self publishers and others interested in self publishing.  Simmons shares the methodology he used for “Not Far From The Tree,” his successful self-published Memoir, and first book.  In its first year, the book ranked in the “Top 1%” in sales (of over 8,000,000 books sold worldwide on Amazon.com) a total of 25 times and was in the “Top 10%” 104 times!

“Thorough! That's the word I would use to describe #HTSP.  Simmons left no stone unturned with this one.  Pretty much any question a first-time self-publisher could ask seems to have been addressed by this book.

-  Michael McCree, Amazon “Best Selling” self-published Author.
75 nyomtatott oldalak
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