You have no feelings for anyone but your mother, yet you hurt everyone except her.
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His life after that was nothing to be proud of, and I’m sure he would have been on your list of idiots had you run into him along the way. And yet, a man like that wanted to save your life.
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In fact, I liked her so much I was willing to stoop to pretty pathetic tactics to get her to like me back.
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She wasn’t going to “give me the satisfaction of starring in my own horror show.”
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It’s embarrassing to admit it, but at that moment I envied my victim.
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So my crime had to somehow demonstrate the intelligence and ability I inherited from her…which meant it had to involve one of my inventions.
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No, I had to get them to blame my mother.
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But perhaps, just perhaps, if I did something horrible, my mother might come running to be with me again.
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there was actually something unusually pleasant about being stupid. I had even begun to think that I could be happy being nothing more than a member of this family of dummies.
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But every time she hit me, I could feel a void opening wider and wider inside.