Thomas Roberts

Lawyer's Lusty Trophy Hotwife

Marvin's working too much. His much younger wife, Angela, is fed up and needy. Their marriage is in trouble until the night Marvin confesses his lifelong obsession about being married to a hotwife. Her doubts are put aside when he suggests she take a lover. Soon one particular man begins to dominate her life. Can Marvin manage to save his marriage?

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

Later, I met Marvin for a quick lunch at a deli across from his office. I asked him to check my right ankle as he wolfed down a corn beef sandwich. My husband quickly looked down at my leg while chewing his last bite, but his jaws stopped moving when he saw what was there.

“I don’t want to break one of your rules, so I have to tell you that the sales lady came on to me.” I found myself biting my lower lip while waiting for Marvin’s reaction. “We didn’t talk about women, so I don’t know if I broke your hotwife rules.”

Marvin’s kiss was hotter than ever, except for the taste of Corn Beef.

“Honey,” I said. “I’m so turned on right now that I’ll agree to anything for you.”

“Go find a man,” he said. By this time, a group of boys were watching us. I didn’t know how much they’d heard. I tried to get my husband’s attention, but he kissed me as he said he had to return to work.

I was sitting alone by the window in the deli after he left when a tall, strong-looking young man walked toward me and sat down in Marvin’s chair. He was followed closely by four or five other guys.

“I heard you need a man,” he said. His face was a mask of arrogance and excitement.

“How old are you?” I asked him, trying to act as if I didn’t really care how old he was.

“About nine inches,” he answered.

I was surprised by his answer, and my eyes involuntarily swung downward. A thick snake ran down his shorts, ending just short of the leg hole. I felt my mouth water, but I wasn’t sure about this guy. I tried to say something, but my mouth wasn’t working right.

He moved closer until the head of whatever was in his shorts was touching my bare thigh. “I’ll treat you right.” I moved my leg away from him.

“What about all your friends?”

“Don’t worry about them; I’ll tell ‘em to get lost.”

I stood and collected my bag; he had a hopeful look on his face. “I have to go,” I said, moving toward the door. I had to walk around him, and he caught my arm. I didn’t try to get loose; I only looked down at my arm, wondering what he planned to do. What he did was rub that thing along the back of my hand. I could feel it harden against me.

Then Dale, the manager, came over and offered to drive me home. I told him I’d driven and that I’d be okay, but I thanked him for his kind offer.

“Good,” the kid said. “You can give me a ride.”

I noticed how big he was, at least a head taller than me, and his body was shaped like a capital V. He turned my hand around to rub against my palm. I felt the skin moving over a large head, sending me a thrill.
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