Faye Kellerman

Milk and Honey

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In the silent pre-dawn city hours — alone with his thoughts about Rina Lazarus, the woman he loves, three thousand miles away in New York — LAPD detective Peter Decker finds a small child, abandoned and covered in blood that is not hers. It is a sobering discovery, and a perplexing one, for nobody in the development where she was found steps forward to claim the little girl. Obsessed more deeply by this case than he imagined possible, Decker is determined to follow the scant clues to an answer. But his trail is leading him to a killing ground where four bodies lie still and lifeless. And by the time Rina returns, Peter Decker is already held fast in a sticky mass of hatred, passion, and murder — in a world where intense sweetness is accompanied by a deadly sting.
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  • itsemmayvymegosztott egy benyomást5 évvel ezelőtt


  • jusnidézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    The guys in the division were always laying odds on what would bust first when the vehicles were returned from servicesix-to-one on a leaky radiator, four-to-one on a choked carburetor, three-to-one on the broken air-conditioning system, the odds improving to two-to-one if it was summertime.


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