Scarlet Blackwell

Life Class

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When artist Harley Hayes moves from painting landscapes to life studies, he invites a male model to his studio and is instantly smitten. The beautiful and sexy Ryan Morgan is a closed — and straight — book, but the more Harley tries to keep his feelings tamped down, the deeper he falls. He's heard rumors about Ryan — women have paid him for more than modelling — and Harley starts to wonder if he should do the same.Ryan is down on his luck and about to be homeless when he meets Harley. He's ready to do what it takes to earn money but he's turned down gay porn in the past and no longer wants to be paid for sex, especially with a man. But when Harley comes calling, something about the artist sets his heart afire, try as he might to resist.When opposites attract, will their lives ever be the same again?
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