Nathan Winters,Neil Johnson,Nicolas Blank

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

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Get the knowledge you need to deploy a top-quality Exchange serviceThe latest release of Microsoft's messaging system allows for easier access to e-mail, voicemail, and calendars from a variety of devices and any location while also giving users more control and freeing up administrators to perform more critical tasks. This innovative new field guide starts with key concepts of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 and then moves through the recommended practices and processes that are necessary to deploy a top-quality Exchange service.
Focuses on the Exchange ecosystem rather than just the features and functions of the Exchange product Focuses on scenarios facing real customers and explains how problems can be solved and requirements met Zooms in on both on-premises deployments as well as Exchange Online cloud deployments with Office 365 Helps you thoroughly master the new version with step-by-step instruction on how to install, configure, and manage this multifaceted collaboration system Whether you're upgrading from Exchange Server 2010 or earlier, installing for the first time, or migrating from another system, this step-by-step guide provides the hands-on instruction, practical application, and real-world advice you need.
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