James S.A.Corey

The Vital Abyss: An Expanse Novella (The Expanse)

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  • Andridézett3 évvel ezelőtt
    remember defining myself by the opinions of people around me. My worth had been determined from without, by how I imagined that I appeared to others. That is what being a social animal is, after all. Emotional and definitional interdependence.
  • Desmondidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    With every new insight in the long, unbroken stretch of consciousness that predates even humanity, a first moment comes. For an hour or a day or a lifetime, something new has come into the world. Recognized or not, it exists in only one mind, secret and special. It is the bone-shaking joy of finding a novel species or a new theory that explains previously troubling data. The sensation can range from something deeper than orgasm to a small, quiet, rapturous voice whispering that everything you’d thought before was wrong.
  • Desmondidézett6 évvel ezelőtt
    unholy offspring of a chicken and a mushroom
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