bookmate game
Brittainy Cherry

The Fire Between High & Lo (Elements #2)

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There once was a boy, and I loved him.
Logan Francis Silverstone and I were complete opposites. I danced, and he stood still. He was quiet, while I ran my mouth. He struggled to find a smile, and I refused to frown.
The night I saw the darkness that truly lived inside of him, I couldn't look away.
We were broken together, yet somehow whole. We were wrong together, but always right. We were the stars that burned across the night sky, searching for a wish, praying for better tomorrows.
Until the day I lost him. He threw us away with one hasty decision--a decision that changed us forever.
There once was a boy, and I loved him.
And for a few breaths, a few whispers, a few moments, I think he loved me, too.
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303 nyomtatott oldalak
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  • b9444846097idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    “For always, High?”

    “For always, Lo.”

    I shrugged.

    She shrugged.

    I laughed.

    She laughed.

    I parted my lips.

    She parted her lips.

    I leaned in.

    She leaned in.

    Our lips locked, and even though my feet were planted firmly on the ground, I’d never in my life felt so high.
  • b9444846097idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    His younger sister Julie sat on my shoulders, looking up. “Yeah, Daddy! Too high!”
  • b9444846097idézett2 évvel ezelőtt
    “That’s too high,” my five-year-old son Kellan cried, as we walked over to the billboard ladder. He was named after his uncle, who still was chasing his dream of becoming a successful musician, and was getting closer each day.


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