Bruce Frohnen,Vincent Phillip Munoz,Ryan T. Anderson,Kenneth L. Grasso,Bradley C.S. Watson,Alan Charles Kors,Jeffrey J. Ventrella,Joseph M. Knippenberg,Mary Grabar,Matthew J. Franck

Diversity, Conformity, and Conscience in Contemporary America

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America is a nation that celebrates diversity and freedom of conscience. Yet, as Alexis de Tocqueville observed, democratic times often demand conformity. Nowadays, conformity might be enforced in the name of diversity itself, and go so far as to infringe on the rights of conscience, expression, association, and religious freedom. Americans have recently been confronted by this paradox in various ways, from federal health care mandates, to campus speech codes, to consumer boycotts, to public intimidation, to vexatious litigation, to private corporations dismissing employees for expressing certain political views. In this book, Bradley C. S. Watson brings together leading thinkers from a variety of disciplines to examine the manner and extent to which conformity is demanded by contemporary American law and social practice. Contributors also consider the long-term results of such demands for conformity for the health—and even survival—of a constitutional republic.
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